Fr - Nl - En

Hi everybody,

I fell by chance a few days ago on the site of a real estate agent putting on sale a splendid field located in the south of France, in Provence more exactly. This field, extending on several hectares, is located on an imposing site and profits from a superb sight. The property includes 3 dwellings, including one with swimming pool, tennis court,...

Some photographs and information on the property available here.

This property interests me enormously, because I adore great spaces and moreover, Provence is a splendid area.

As I cannot finance only the purchase of this property, I created this site with an aim of helping me to obtain the necessary funds .

How? It's very easy : sponsor my project by making a donation.

To thank you for your generosity, a drawing of lots will indicate:
- 1 donor who will win a piece of ground of this property (approximate value: 100.000€)
- 10 other donors who will profit during 2 weeks with their family and their friends from the residence with swimming pool and tennis court, with complete access to the property (approximate value: 3000€).

Each donation of 10€ gives you a chance to be one of these winner. Moreover, you will also have an additional chance for each person who makes a donation with you as "sponsor".

If one of the winner is not interested by its winning, a transfer of the value of the winning would be made on its bank account.

The companies also can sponsor my project. Their publicity will be placed on the site and the different folders of promotion of the site. If you are interested or if you wish to have more information, contact me by e-mail:

I make a point of thanking in advance the people who will make a donation so that I can carry out my project.